Sharing 25 of my favourite images and my story as an expat, mom and Family Photographer.
I took the train to Amsterdam in April 2017 to open my photography business with the Kamer van Koophandel. I still remember sitting on the train on my way back home feeling like bursting into tears not having a clue what any of the documents in my hand said. It was extremely overwhelming and most days it just felt so hopeless.
Where do you even start building a business as a mom with little kids in a new country barely understanding the people around you? Six years later and I’m about to become a Dutch citizen who can now have a semi-decent conversation if you look past the grammar (:
I have managed to stick it out for five and a half years with a photography business that grows just a little every year. I get so excited when I move up one space on an endless google list of many very talented family photographers. I still have so many things I’d like to achieve as an artist, photographer & entrepreneur and there are endless opportunities available in this beautiful country!
If you are a mom with a dream to grow your own business here’s a list of a few things that helped me on my journey:
Do just a little every day, a little bit every day becomes a lot over time
Set realistic goals
Celebrate small achievements
It doesn’t have to be perfect, perfection is the enemy of progress
Plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
If it was easy everyone would be doing it, work hard to reach your dream
If you work from home, be strict with yourself and your hours. When work is done for the day, close the door and go be with your family
Every year, before the busy photography season start, I share a few of my best/favourite images from the previous year. Thank you to all of my clients for choosing to work with me. I love how I get to step into your world and be apart of your circle for a bit. It brings so much joy to my heart to go on mini adventures with all of you and capture the uniqueness of your family. I have worked with many families from so many different parts of the world, I enjoy listening to each family’s unique story when we meet and I feel very grateful that I get to call this country my second home.
I also have to say a special thank you to all of the South Africans always supporting me.
Julle is lekker mense!!!
This quote: "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." — Arthur Ashe, tennis player
Ready for another year of capturing those crazy, precious moments!